Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Which Name to Use for Readings

Which name should be used for readings, full or first? I've gotten different numbers from sites and I don't know my true soul urge expression and others, because they differ by website.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

In general, provide your full name as first recorded at birth for numerology readings.

For some readings, only the first name is required. For other readings, the current or nick name is required. But most name calculations require the full birth name for the best accuracy.

There are several different systems of numerology. The two most commonly used are Pythagorean (which this website uses) and Chaldean. There are also Hebrew numerology and Bible numerology and perhaps others.

With each of those numerology systems, the calculation results and their interpretations are likely to be different for the same name. The What Is Numerology? article compares the Pythagorean and Chaldean numerology letter values.

Your soul urge expression (referred to as the heart's desire at this website), is the number 7. Get a free numerology reading at this website for the rest of the major numbers of your birth name and birth date.

There are various names for the same numerology chart positions. The Various Names for the Same Numerology Chart Position article lists the most common ones.

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