Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Incompatible Essence Transit Number

Next year my transit number isn't compatible with my chart. What is going to happen? Will I get confused?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The essence transit number is integrated into your chart, not something outside of it. Therefore, I assume you mean an incompatibility with something found in the rest of your chart.
The thing is, every chart contains incompatibilities when considering the types of energies represented by its numbers. Which is good. If it wasn't for numbers generally considered incompatible with each other, the person's life could be imbalanced.
Here is an example.
When one number is the same as another number, that's the ultimate in compatibility. Let's assume all the numbers in a person's chart are the number 9 (actually, not possible, but all the major numbers can be 9).
With all those being number 9s, and only number 9s, there is an incredible imbalance. Life can be hard because of the missing energies other numbers would represent.
Generally, people assume all compatible numbers is the best balance. But the opposite is true. The more variety of numbers, the more balance. Some of each is a better balance than much of one and little of another.
Your essence transit number 4 is a wonderful balancing energy for the number 5 and number 9, which are your only core numbers. The energy the number 4 represents can provide pragmatism and a focus on building a secure foundation for your personal future — a resonance not provided by the energy represented by your core numbers.
The amount of influence that the energy represented by essence transit numbers has depends on other numbers in the chart. Usually, they aren't as powerful as the core numbers, and even less powerful than the major cycles.
But in this case, with the number 4 energy filling in a much-needed resonance the core number energies are lacking, the 4 essence transit energy is more powerful than it would normally be.
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