Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Significance of Numerical Relationships
My mother was 22 when she died. Her birthday was the 22 of July. She died on January 17, [year removed for privacy] on a Wednesday. My daughter was born January 17, [year removed for privacy], on a Wednesday...22 years later. What is the significance of this, if there is one? I believe there is.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Pythagorean numerology can be used for interpreting the numerology energy numbers represent. Thus, you can read about the meanings of the number 22 and the number 17. But those might not be the significances you are looking for.
There may be mathematical significance, spiritual significance, synchronistic significance, or others, but which are all outside the realm of the numerology I practice. It may be subjective significance, which would be up to you to interpret.
Because there are so many numbers in a person's life, a person is bound to find relationships that seem to must have some kind of significance. They might have or might not have significance. Although they may seem like they would certainly have significance in traditional numerology the significance may be either subjective or otherwise outside the realm of numerology.
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