Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
I Am New to Numerology
I'm new to numerology. So many different numbers and things. What is most important? What is least important? Thank you!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Two of the five core numbers are the most important. They are the name number and the birth date number.
After that, the other three of the five are most important. These are additional numbers calculated from special aspects of the name and birth date.
You'll read about those at the Core Numbers of Numerology article.
The least important would be the influence from external numerology energy. Those are numbers not part of a person's numerology chart.
The least important numbers of a person's numerology chart depends on the other numbers. As an example, the daily cycle number may have little importance on some days and more importance on others. When the daily number resonates with other numbers in the person's chart, especially when they are the core numbers, it gives the daily number more importance.
Numerology can be fun to learn. And I wish you the best.
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