Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Essence Number 2 in the Future
Hello! I tend to forecast things far in advance out of pure curiosity. Especially in numerology because you can do that haha I found out I have an essence cycle down the road (in a long time actually) with the number 2 lasting for 6 years! I've read a lot of negative things about that if they last longer than 3 years. For the 2, it says nervous and psychological issues. Are there any other numbers in your chart that can counterbalance that? Like your name numbers? Thanks for your input! My baseline is anxious so this definitely got my attention haha
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
It is not possible for me to state what other numbers might be negative like the 2 because first I would have to agree that 2 is negative. I do not agree.
Perhaps it would be prudent to ask the opinion of the numerologist what it is about the energy of coexistence that makes it go negative after three years on the essence transit chart. It may clear things up for you.
The energy represented by the numbers on the essence chart can indeed be affected by energies at other points in the chart. The core numbers are likely to have the most effect, although it depends on what the numbers are and also what the pinnacle and life period cycle numbers are at that time.
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