Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Birth Name Different Than Life-long Name

My father registered my birth and spelt my middle name incorrectly. It was meant to be [name removed] and all my life up until I got married and needed a birth certificate I always believed that it was spelt [name removed] In numerology which name should I be bound by? Thanking you for your help.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The longer a new name is used and fully identified with, the more the name's numerology energies are available for the person. But the birth name energies never wholly go away.

You are in the fortunate position of having available the energies of both names — the name you assumed for so many years and the name recorded at birth.

There are three major name numbers in three numerology chart positions.

Two of the three numbers are the same for both names, the number 1 and the number 7. The third number is the number 6 for one name and the number 8 for the other. Therefore, you have the energies represented by four numbers available for major chart positions representing the name.

The energies represented by the 6 and the 8 are quite different; the home- and nurturing-oriented 6 and the business- and material-oriented 8. They're compatible, but have a different focus.

Numerology never binds. Instead, it reveals tendencies and likelihoods. So you're not bound by one name or the other.

Considering what I think I understand of your situation, obtained from the content of your question, I think the most accurate numerology reading would be obtained by using the name you've used all of your pre-marital life. To fill in things that might feel are missing, also get a reading with the name on your birth certificate. Mentally correlate the two for a good sense of what's possible, what's likely, and what tendencies are present in your life.

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