Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
The Correct Way to Calculate Heart's Desire Number

Is my Soul's Urge/Heart's Desire number a 22 master number or a 4? [name removed] I+A+E=15/6 E+O=11 (I'm understand the impression you don't further reduce a master number when you come upon it) I+E=14/5, so I get 5+11+6=22 but if I reduce the master number calculation from the vowels of my middle name I get 2 which makes it 5+2+6=13/4. Which is correct?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Different numerologists do the calculations differently.
Generally, but not always, when calculations for name numbers are done name by name (first, middle, last), then each of the names is reduced to either a single digit or a master number. Then those numbers are added together.
The software at this website (which I built to calculate the way I do things) calculates the entire name for name numbers, not each name separately and then totaling those. My software calculates your Heart's Desire number as the number 4. (You can see that at the free numerology reading page.)
The thing is this: There is no central authority on numerology calculations. There is tradition, which can be seen to have evolved when reading how-to-numerology books published at various dates. And there are numerologists who do things different than the current methods the majority of numerologists use.
The correct method really, then, comes down to your understanding and your decision.
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