Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Name and Birth Date Balance
What is the balance between my name and date of birth?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
There are two ways to answer this numerology question, each quite different from the other, and I'm unsure which you had in mind when you asked the question.
One way to answer the question is with the numerology balance number, which is derived from the initials of the birth name. The other way is with the numerology bridge number, calculated from both your birth name and birth date.
Your numerology balance number is the number 4, the number derived from the initials of your name. There's a balance number calculator available to calculate the balance number for other names.
The balance number 4 means incompatible numbers in your major numerology chart numbers may be balanced by taking a practical approach to life. Your self-discipline can be both a balance and your strength.
A numerology bridge number is a bridge between name and birth date numbers.
The name number is the destiny number and the birth date number is the life path number. To find the bridge number, reduce the destiny and life path numbers to a single digit and subtract one from the other. (The result may be the number 0.)
Your bridge number is the number 1. There's a bridge number calculator available to calculate the bridge number for other name and birth date combinations.
The bridge number 1 indicates self-reliance and self-determination may bridge any dissonant energies represented by your name and birth date numbers.
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