Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Birth Name and Life Name Differences

Image for 'Birth Name and Life Name Differences' numerology answer

My birth name and name I go by in life is slightly different. This happened right after I was born. Trying to get people to call me by my birth name is extremely difficult unless they are new to me. Is there a difference to my life because I have always been referred to as the non-birth name?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The name you think of yourself as, and how long you have done so, is the name that represents the numerology name energy that affects you most.

The name people call you makes no difference to your numerology chart, unless you change your perception of what your name is when someone addresses you differently.

The numerology energy represented by your birth name will always be present. But it doesn't always need to be dominant.

When a person begins to think of themselves as a new name, the energy represented by the new name begins to assert itself. The more a person thinks of the identity of their existence to be as the new name, and the longer they do so, the more forceful is the energy represented by that new name.

The birth name energy will never go away. But it may become less and less effective with the adoption of a new name.

Name Change Effects talks about that with more depth.

The energy represented by the name you identify as yourself does indeed have an effect on your life. Not because it demands a person is a certain way, but because the energy itself provides tendencies in the form of subtle nudges. And the type of nudges depend on the name.

You always have free will. Thus, you can be who you want to be and pursue what you want to pursue, regardless what your name is. Still, some things are likely to be easier with a name energy that resonates with those things.

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