Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Life Path 22 or Life Path 4?
Am I a life path 22 or a 4? Also 3 yrs ago started seeing 22 or hearing 22 prior to seeing 11:11 then number changed as progress in life, such as 44 then 144 1221 313 1331 615. I wanted to know if these numbers had anything to do with my life's purpose?. Many thanks.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your numerology life path is the number 4.
With traditional numerology, calculating life path numbers requires two steps. Doing the calculations for your birth date doesn't reveal a master number.
The life path tool can be used to determine whether or not a birth date is a master number.
The index to number meanings articles contains links to articles about most of the numbers you've been seeing. And there's a meaning of any number calculator for numbers that don't have separate articles.
Seeing certain numbers and then wondering why can lead to seeing the same number more often. The mystery tends to compel a person to notice the same number whenever it's in the environment, and to remember seeing it. Thus, the feeling that there must be a reason tends to be strengthened. See Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time for a deeper explanation of how that works.
As you've experienced, after a while of wondering if seeing a certain number has a personal meaning, then related or similar numbers can also start being seen repeatedly.
It's unlikely that seeing certain numbers has anything to do with your life purpose.
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