Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

It Happened Two Years on November 10

Image for 'It Happened Two Years on November 10' numerology answer

Twice now on November 10 (a year apart), I have had an intense meeting at the same location with a man (the same guy) that I stay up with all night. I did not remember the previous year until I left. I have met many famous stars, royalty and others that have not been as intense as this. Is there any significance to this date that I have not found on my web searches? Thanks.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

With traditional numerology, the significant differences between dates are the energy they represent.

Because all dates (the numbers the dates are composed of, actually) represent energy, no one date is more significant than another — unless the date is related to something that makes it so. As an example, a birth date is more significant to the person it belongs to than are most other dates.

Any special significance to November 10, more than other dates, would be its relation to something about you, the man you met, or the subject matter the meeting was mostly focused on.

The energy for November is represented by the number 11. The number 10 also represents energy. As does the number 1110.

Perhaps the interpretations at those links will help you determine any special significance there may be in relation to the meeting.

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