Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Personal Numerology Number or Daily Numerology Number
I was looking into using numerology in dfs. Would you recommend going by my personal numerology number or daily numerology number? If daily, how would I calculated it? Month+day+year? Month+day? Total of Day Only?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I'm uncertain what "dfs" is or what it was supposed to be when you typed it. Maybe your phone's self-correction mechanism made a mistake.
The number you use would depend on your purpose.
A person has more than one personal numerology number. If your purpose requires only one number to be your representative, the two that may qualify the most to choose from are your destiny number (the number 7) and your life path number (the number 8).
Actually, all of the core numbers could be considered before making a choice.
To obtain your personal day number, first determine your personal year number. It is calculated with your birth month, birth day, and current year.
Next, determine your personal month number. It is calculated with your personal year number and the current month.
Your personal day number is calculated with your personal month number and the current day.
Use the personal day calendar tool to verify your calculations.
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