Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
When Someone Is a 6 and Their Lover Is a 7

Okay so if someone is a 6 and their lover is a 7 I know it's a challenge...ok. So if the one is a Libra and the other is an Aquarius...that should soften the challenge right? Don't signs that get along help soften the opposing numerology life paths?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The life path number represents energy that attracts certain types of events and circumstances, making those kinds of events more likely.
With the life path number 6, the tendency is to attract (among other things) events and circumstances related to home, family, and harmony. With life path number 7, they tend to attract (among other things) events related to solving questions, intellectual pursuits, and philosophical or spiritual matters.
The life paths are not opposing. They just attract different types of events and circumstances. And the events tend to be such that they can be experienced by the both of you without assuming an oppositional stance.
Your question about astrological signs will need to be asked of someone else. I don't feel sufficiently experienced with astrology to answer that part of your question.
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