Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Special Connections of Number 13

Image for 'Special Connections of Number 13' numerology answer

My father [name removed] was in a accident [date removed] and spent 9 days in hospital before dying [date removed], I was pregnant 34 weeks, went into preterm labor [date removed], 9 days later [date removed] I had my son [name removed]. He was premature had to spend 13 days in hospital. The 13th is a big number for my parents, [date removed] is there anniversary, [date removed] is my fathers birth date [date removed] death. Is there some kind of spiritual or any kind or connection with these events or numbers?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I am sorry for your loss.

Every number, of course, represents certain numerology energy. The number 13 energy has a page focused on it.

Numerology has no calculations for spiritual connections or coincidences, nor calculations to determine personal subjective meaning, at least not traditional Pythagorean numerology.

It is a fact that certain numbers tend to occur more than other numbers in a person's life and their perceptions. I've never seen an instance of an even distribution of numbers in the events and dates of a person's universe.

It is the number with personal subjective meaning that usually seems to be the most significant for the person.

Other numbers are always present, too. As an example, there are as many 8s in the dates presented in your question as there are 13s. But the number 13 has sufficient subjective meaning to make it stand out.

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