Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Partners with Same Birth Date
My name is [name removed]. I'm single and never married. I've recently been dating a man named [name removed]. Both our birthdays are [date removed] which gives us the attitede and life path number as well as birthday number. How much does this figure into our total relationship compatibility? Sincerely, [name removed]
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
With the same birth date, you life path numbers are the same. This doesn't mean you'll always experience the same things. But it does mean you both tend to attract the same types of experiences.
In this case, the type of experiences are those that resonate with the number 6. Events and circumstances in your life paths, perhaps repeatedly or consistently, tend to relate to home, health, harmony, beliefs, and community.
How you approach and deal with the events and circumstances depend on you as an individual. I'm unable to comment on these with certainty as you didn't provide your middle name, only your first and last names. (See the what name to use article.)
Although your life path numbers are identical, the energies and influence represented by the number will be responded to and reacted with differently. A large difference is because the name numbers and derivatives of your numerology charts are different. Another large difference is your life experience up to this point.
The birth date is also used to determine the challenge, pinnacle, life cycle, personal year, and other numbers. With the same birth date, the influence of each of those will be represented by the same number. But approached differently depending on other numerology chart numbers.
The compatibility calculator may provide additional insight. Do give it a try.
I wish the best to you and your guy.
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