Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Repeated Times and Reading for Last Year
What do the repeated times 3:20pm, 12:18am and 11:27pm mean? Repeatedly waking during those times and at 3:20pm invariably look at the clock at that exact minute. Can I get a Numerology reading for [last year]?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The energy a number represents is the same energy whether the number is seen once or many times. If there are reasons for repeatedly seeing a number, it is outside the realm of traditional numerology calculations.
For interpretations of energies for numbers, see the index to number meanings page. For clock times, read about the entire number and then also the separated numbers. As an example for 3:20, look up the number 320, the number 3, and the number 20. With the three, you may be able to discern a personal or subjective reason why you are seeing the time.
Regarding readings for a past year, this website has calculators only for the present and future. But you can still get an interpretation for your personal year last year with this process:
Your personal year number last year was the number 4. The Numerology Personal Year Number page contains information about the energy of the number 4 personal year number.
The Effects of 4 to 5 Personal Year Number Change page may also be of interest because it relates to the very change you experienced some months ago.
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