Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Name Number With Life Or Destiny Number

In numerology the name number should match with life number or destiny number is the standard suggestion. But calculating name number is varied depending on the method of calculating the alphabetic and its numerical values. So please let me know the correcting way to calculate numerical values of the alphabetic. Thank you.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

For your determination, my suggestion is to use the calculation method that is used by those who make that suggestion. Pythagorean, Chaldean, and Kabbalah numerology methods all calculate the value of letters differently.

With the Pythagorean method, which is what I practice, if the name number (destiny number) and the birth date number (life path number) are identical, it can result in a somewhat boring life. There's no tension there to create experiences and to broaden horizons — unless other numbers provide stimulation.

Compatible but not identical destiny and life path numbers are probably the safest, so to speak. There's some tension that stimulates personal growth.

However, incompatibility of those numbers has much to recommend it, including experiencing a broader range of life.

See the Name and Birth Date Compatibility article for more information on this.

Your destiny number 3 and life path number 7 are compatible.

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