Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Reverting Back to Maiden Name

When reverting back to maiden name after using married name for a number of years, do I have to start from the beginning letter of my maiden name when making a future chart from this date or does the surname number just keep continuing in order from the chart at birth?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The numerology energy of the name as first recorded at birth is always with a person — regardless what name changes may occur.
When a name changes, the energy of the new name is likely to affect the energy of the birth name. The new name energy may enhance some aspects of the existing energy, weaken some aspects of the existing energy, and/or introduce new energy. How fast that occurs depends on how fast the person identifies themself as the new name.
If the new name is used for years and years and the person thoroughly identifies themself with the new name, then the birth name is likely to become less active, perhaps even somewhat dormant. But the birth name energy never entirely disappears.
Because the energy of the birth name never disappears, it is generally recommended that a person use their birth name for personal numerology charts.
If a person thoroughly identifies with a new name, then also obtaining a chart for that name is prudent. It allows the person to compare the two charts and see where the birth name energy is still prominent and where the new name energy provides most of the resonance.
When use of the birth name is resumed after a period of using a different name, the birth name energy perks right back up. Get charts with the birth name rather than with the discarded previous name.
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