Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Persons With Numbers 7 Close to Me

I'm confusing why this numbers of person's close to me ... lots of 7's. They ask me what meaning. But I can't explain. Ex. 091775, 0927477...7 0917...7. Also, people close to me are same life path to both 11's. Are 9 and 11 person are compatible? Thank you very much.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Your numerology destiny number is the number 7 and your current life period cycle is the number 7. Thus, you're likely to attract people who have a resonance with the number 7. Also events and circumstances that resonate with the number 7.

Similarly with the life path number, which for you is the master number 11. Those with the number 11 in their chart tend to be more compatible with you.

Yes, the number 9 and the number 11 are compatible. For compatibility of single-digit numbers, see the Compatible and Incompatible Numbers article.

The meaning of numbers depend on what the number represents. The number 7, for example, would be interpreted differently as a destiny number than it would as a life path number. Your friends who wonder what their numbers mean may get a free numerology reading and read about their number interpretation according to the chart position where the number occurs.

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