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Two 'How Numerology Works' Questions
My question is about two things that confuse me. 1, when I use my full name I get a different reading from when using only my first. Which is correct? 2, my daughters birthday [birth date removed] and mine both equal 29, but the site tool gives me a 2 life path and her 11. Is there a reason? I really love this site and want to learn and understand. Thank you so much.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The reason numerology readings differ when using the full name versus only the first name is because results are calculated from the value of the letters. When the letters of the name are different, then the results are different.
See The Name to Use for Numerology Readings for more information about that. For most readings, using the full name as first recorded at birth is the appropriate name to use. There are some readings that require only the first name, or last name, or current name.
Before talking about the birth date calculations, let me mention that generally numbers are reduced to a single digit. But it's not always the case. One of the exceptions, when calculating the number for certain numerology chart positions, is when the reduction encounters a master number, the number 11, 22, or 33. (See the Master Number Search article for more information.)
The difference in the birth date calculation results depends on how the birth date is calculated. Let's take your birth date as an example.
When you add all the numbers of your birth date together by writing them out from left to right and adding them up that way, the total is 29. That number is then reduced to 2 (2+9=11; 1+1=2)
But when you do it the Pythagorean numerology way, you reduce each part of the birth date to a single digit (or master number, if it's there). And then you add together those three results.
For your birth date, the month number isn't reduced because it's a master number. The day is reduced to 3. The year is reduced to 6.
To get your birth date number, add those three together and reduce it to a single digit (unless you encounter a master number during the reduction). When you do that, the result is the number 20, which is then reduced to 2:
11+3+6 = 20 2+0 = 2
Thus, your life path number is the number 2.
No matter which way the birth date is calculated, when the result of the addition is reduced to a single digit, the digit will be the same. However, in order to uncover a master number, the calculation needs to be done the Pythagorean numerology way.
By the way, your personality number is the master number 11.
To learn more about numerology, the description of numerology article is a good place to start. Then, articles that attract your interest from the indexes listed at the free numerology library page.
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