Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Possible Name Numbers
It is possible to be a SOUL 3 and Personality 9 in numerology?? Or always your Soul is 3, automatic your Personality will be 7. It is possible to have SOUL 3 and EXPRESSION 3 in numerology? Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Let me clarify numerology chart position names before providing a response — so you can see if I understand your question.
Your reference to the soul number I think is what we refer to as the heart's desire number. It is the number obtained from the vowels of a person's name.
Your reference to the personality number I think is the same as what we refer to as the personality number. It is the number obtained from the consonants of a person's name.
Your reference to the expression number I think is what we refer to as the destiny number. It is the number obtained from all the letters of a person's name.
My response is based on traditional Pythagorean numerology.
Because the heart's desire is from the vowels and the personality is from the consonants, those two added together would produce the destiny number — so long as the name contains only alphabet characters, no number characters.
Thus, a heart's desire 3 and a personality 9 would mean a destiny number 3.
If the heart's desire is 3 and the destiny is 3, then the personality must be 9.
If the heart's desire is 3 and the personality is 7, then the destiny is 1.
The destiny number is always the result of the other two. Thus, heart's desire 2 and personality 2 requires destiny 4. And heart's desire 3 and destiny number 7 requires personality 4.
You can assign any single-digit number (except 0) to any two of the numerology name positions. Then the third position would be determined by the two already assigned.
The diagrammed numerology chart can be used to see the relationships of those three numbers. Check numbers for various names to obtain an intuitive understanding of the relationships.
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