Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Which Number Is for Marriage?

I study numerology a lot but I want to know which Essence number is best associated with marriage? I know 6 is known for love, family commitments, home life and marriage. But is it the only number that represents marriage? I don't see many 6s in my essence year and, if they are, its in the past.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Right, the number 6 is the only single-digit numerology number that represents the energy of marriage and family. It's a number of nurturing.

There are two things about numerology that numerologists sometimes forget when they consider their own chart:

  1. Numerology is about tendencies and likelihoods, not about firm or fixed predeterminism.

  2. Missing numbers can attract the very things the numbers would represent if they were present. It seems the Universe won't allow a vacuum to exist for long.

The energies of missing numbers aren't innate, like they would be if they weren't missing. But the energy is accessible in the environment. Otherwise, nobody missing the number 6 would ever get married.

The energies of missing numbers are accessed with free will.

With your destiny number being the number 5, you're likely to be able to use your expression of personal freedom energy to access the number 6 energy that's in your environment right there with you.

Oh, yes, in a bit over 7¼ years, your life period cycle will be the number 6, something that may support the marriage you bring into that period.

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