Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Repeated Challenge Numbers
What significance is it to have three of four of your life challenge numbers be the same? Both my sister and I have this, both with the number 2, though we are not twins (I mean to say we have different birthdays).
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Doubled challenge numbers are common. Tripled less common. The only time I've seen all four challenge numbers being the same digit, it was the digit 0.
The challenge numbers do not represent all the challenges a person will face during the lifetime. Instead, they reveal the types of challenges some of them will be; generally, ones that recur until the situation is fully accepted as is.
The more different challenge numbers a person has, the more clues the person has to the types of challenges likely to manifest.
When two or more of the numbers are the same, it means less clues are obtained from the numerology profile.
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