Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Where I'm Going to be Living
Can you see where I'm going to be living in the hopefully near future? Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology doesn't see in the sense of seeing the future.
What numerology can do are calculations designed to reveal probabilities and tendencies. The results are then interpreted by taking into consideration the person's circumstances, desires, and free will.
Timing and locations are especially resistive to accurate interpretations. Both generally have many points of possibilities and attractions.
The most likely locations are where the major numbers of a location name numerology chart resonate most with the major numbers of the person's numerology chart.
Similarly with timing; the year, month, and day numbers. The ones that resonate most with the person's major numbers are the most likely timings. For short-term timing, the hour and minute numbers can be considered.
Those are the personal attractions. They might not be the event attractions, in which case further calculations could be done to eliminate locations and timing with conflicting numbers.
It's not a science, just tendencies. And all are subject to the free will of the person, and the people who have an effect on the person.
Your major numbers are 2, 1, 8, and 9. February, January, August, and September are months when events and circumstances that resonate with you are more likely to happen. Also November, because double-digit 11 reduces to single-digit 2.
Likely days of the month during a likely month mean the likelihood is stronger. Likely days include double-digit numbers that reduce to one of your major numbers.
About 3½ years from now, your life period cycle will change from the number 4 to the number 2. It is a life orientation change. There's no guarantee that the change will bring you to the location you want to be in, but it's possible.
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