Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Number 11 as Both Soul Urge and Life Path

Is there a meaning for my soul urge number and life path being 11? I've just been experiencing a lot of signs.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The article about master numbers and potential may provide some answers. In addition, read about the four meanings of the master number 11.

The soul urge, also known as the heart's desire, represents that which feels most right or the most like a "home" essence, and is being strived for. When reached, the person tends to either strive for more fulfillment of the same or to be unable to see the entire accomplishment and, thus, continue to strive for it.

The life path represents the type of events and circumstances most likely to manifest either repetitively or persistently during the person's lifetime.

With the same number representing both the life path and the heart's desire, the energies the number represents tend to both manifest and be desired, concurrently. Yours being the number 11, with its spiritual and intuitive aspects, the dichotomy of a fulfilled yet existing desire may need to be accepted and consciously experienced for the tension to dissipate.

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