Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Repeating Core Numbers

I am curious about repeating core numbers in my chart- Specifically, I have an abundance of the number 5. And I was wanting to know what sorta effect it would have on me (if any or how significant) by having my Personality and Expression numbers in the same number (5)? Does this mean it will be more "natural" for me to embrace the 5 energy and express it more fluently potentially? Or does it mean that I will have to work even harder at expressing these areas because of an excess of the numbers energy? Thanks in advance!

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Repeated core numbers in numerology charts are fairly frequent. Consider that there are nine digits and core numbers to see the tendency for that happening.

(As a bit of trivia, because of the way the core numbers are calculated, only the number 9 can be repeated in all four positions. With all others, three is the max.)

Each of the core number positions have their own realm of influence. There is some overlap, but not much. The energy represented by the same core number is interpreted differently for each chart position because it's influence is different.

When a core number is repeated, it means more than one realm is influenced by the energy of that number.

The energy is that of tendency and likelihood.

There is no need to consciously express or embrace a number's energy, no matter how often it may be repeated as a core number. The energy represented by numerology numbers are an influence that you may choose to ignore because the energy is always less powerful than free will.

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