Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

My and Boyfriend's Major Numbers All 9

Number 9. I was doing a numerology reading for my boyfriend and I wrote the numbers down next to my own numbers and I noticed that our life path, destiny, soul, personality, maturity and balance add up to 9. Also our birthdates added together come to 9. Our names as well. Is there a reason or just coincidence (I doubt).

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Your numerology chart numbers are the result of your names and your birth dates. They are what they are. Numerology calculations don't address reasons why people have certain names or certain birth dates. The 9 results you're getting are what the numbers add up to. There is no other numerology reason.

When you add numbers together and reduce them, there's a 1 in 9 or better chance that the result is the number 9.

The number 9 is the most-found number in numerology charts. The reason is because it's a pivot number. 9 is the only number that can be added to itself and be reduced to the same number 9.

As an illustration, if you have a 9 life path and someone else has a 9 life path, and you add them together, the reduced result will be 9.

As another illustration, if two of your three major name numbers are the number 9, then the third one must be 9. The reason is that any of the three major name numbers is the result of a calculation with the other two; i.e., 9 added to 9 and reduced results in 9.

If you are curious whether adding your numbers together has something to do with compatibility, use the Compatibility Calculator for information about relationship compatibility from a numerology point of view.

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