Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Two People With Same Chart Numbers

What does it mean when you and another person has the same numerology chart numbers?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

If all the numerology chart numbers are the same, then both people have the same birth name and were born on the same date.

Because that is unlikely, I'll assume you're referring to the core numbers when you ask about the same numerology chart numbers.

Both people would have similar tendencies. And it's likely they would experience similar types of events and circumstances as they live life.

Not all the same tendencies, although some are likely to be the same. There are many chart positions that have an effect on the energy the core numbers represent.

And not all the same type of events and circumstances although, as indicated with the tendencies, some are likely to be the same. There are a number of cycles that have an effect on the types of events and circumstances a person is likely to experience.

Different events and circumstances can be of the same type. As an example, (i) lots of travel opportunities and (ii) frequently meeting new people are both of the type represented by the energy of the number 5.

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