Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Rashi-suggested Name Change
As per rashi my name should start from "M" or "T" but parents kept my name from "S". Due to which few astrologers said that face tough luck & hardships. These can be solved by changing my name as per rashi. So I like the name "[name removed]". Thus request you to guide what should be the spelling & how effective it will be for my career.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I'm unfamiliar with the practice called rashi. What I use is Pythagorean Numerology.
It may be prudent to consult with someone who practices rashi for help with your name.
If your name must resonate with your career and you wish to use Pythagorean numerology to determine a suitable name, there are two ways it can be approached.
A number for the career is ascertained. Then a name is chosen with a number that's compatible with the career number. There is a number compatibility table at the Compatible and Incompatible Numbers page that may be consulted.
Use the career suggestions tool, entering each suitable name you have in mind and see which results in a career suggestion of the type that is your current career.
Both of those methods assume you are already embarked upon your career.
If you're not currently pursuing a career you want to continue with, then perhaps it would be of benefit to use the career suggestions tool linked to above and see which types of careers resonate well with your current name.
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