Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

What I Am Capable Of

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My name is [name removed], my birthday is [birth date removed], I was born at 9:46am, and my life path number is the master number 11. I would like to know what am I capable of from my numerology and astrology chart?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Your personality number is the master number 11. See Master Numbers and Potential for information about master numbers that I think will interest you.

Your life path number, however, is the number 2.

There are two different ways that people tend to calculate their life path number.

  1. One is straight across: The full day number + the full month number + the full year number.

  2. The other is the numerology method. First, reduce the day of birth to either a single digit or a master number. Do the same with the month number. And also with the year number. Now, add those three results together.

It can seem like both methods would yield the same number. They do yield the same single digit. But the first method might either provide a false master number or hide a real master number.

Using the first method, the total with your birth date comes to 38, which is then reduced to what looks like a master number.

Using the numerology method, the total comes to 20, which is then reduced to a single digit.

How to Determine Master Numbers expands on the subject. It also links to an online calculator that can be used.

Numbers represent numerology energy. The resonance of the energy makes certain things more likely than other things. It provides tendencies.

In other words, numerology provides certain subtle nudges. But it does not define a person's capabilities. Your actions and inactions demonstrate what you are capable of. You always have free will.

My competency is numerology. An astrologist should be able to respond to your questions about an astrology chart.

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