Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Which Date of Birth to Use

I have a big confusion while choosing lucky numbers and using my dob. My original dob is [birth date removed] name [name removed], and my official dob which on my graduation certificates is [birth date removed], [name removed]. I don't understand which one should I follow. In my official dob and names are very enemy numbers to my real dob. Even career also not so good. My question is does this official dob and name affect to me? Cuz both dobs are incompatible.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The name to use for numerology readings (with some exceptions) is the name as it was first recorded after birth. Generally, that's an official birth certificate. Sometimes, it's a record added to a family book.

Exceptions would be readings when a specific name is asked for (such as a first name or a married name) and when a name has been changed and the person has assumed it 100%.

The date of birth to use for numerology readings is the actual date of birth. Even if papers or certificates say something different, still use the actual date of birth.

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