Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Who Will Be My Husband?
Who will be my husband?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Personal numerology charts are only about you. In other words, they reveal tendencies and likelihoods about you, not about anybody else.
It means numerology has no calculations to see who will be married to whom.
But numerology does have calculations to help determine compatibility by comparing charts.
Therefore, if you have someone in mind, you can use the marriage compatibility tool to see how you are or are not compatible.
Note that romance and marriage compatibilities are different. The relationship compatibility article talks about that — and also about compatibilities related to other types of relationships.
Marriage compatibility isn't only about numerology chart compatibility. It is about how well the energies represented by different numbers do or do not cooperate.
As an example, the energies of the number 1 and the energies of the number 2 are incompatible in and of themselves. However, depending on their position in the numerology charts, the 1 energy's tendency to lead and the 2 energy's tendency to identify as a team member can result in a workable and successful marriage relationship.
In other words, people with incompatible numerology charts can have wonderfully successful marriages. The marriage compatibility is one step for finding out. Another step is to get to know the person you have in mind to try to decide if you and they have the personalities and visions for a successful marriage with each other.
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