Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Reconciling 2 Personal Year Number with 3 Universal Year Number

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How to reconcile a 2 personal with a 3 universal year

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Although the number 2 and the number 3 are not compatible, there is little, if any, reconciliation to do.

The personal year number is of your personal numerology chart. It represents intrinsic energy.

The universal year number is of humankind. It represents external energy.

Although a person exists among various external energies (house number, clock times, telephone number, …), those energies have little effect on a person compared to the effect intrinsic energy has.

The personal year number 2, which you will experience next year, is about relationships — social, romantic, friend, sibling, business, teamwork. Cooperative associations tend to feel more important.

It is an intrinsic effect. It has to do directly with you.

The universal year has to do with mankind, not a focus on you as an individual. The universal year number 3 indicates that mankind as a whole is likely to express itself more creatively this year. Perhaps your relationships will tend to be more creative than they would be with a different universal year number, but that is likely to be the extent of its effect on the energy of your personal year number 2.

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