Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Is My First Pinnacle a 33?

Hello, my birthday is on July 26th. Does this mean that my first pinnacle (0-35) is a master number pinnacle 33? July is the seventh month and 26 +7 =33. If yes, what does it mean? Do I attain and develop all of the qualities of the number 33? Thank you.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The interpretation of numerology master numbers, or even what is a master number, differs from numerologist to numerologist.

Generally, if no master number is determined for any of the major number positions (the three name numbers and the one birth date number), then any other master numbers that may come up during cyclic changes are always reduced to their single-digit number.

The reason is it is nearly impossible to live up to a master number during a cycle if it is not supported with the same master number in a major number position.

Master numbers have intense possibilities and huge potential. But they're not really master numbers, no matter how much one wishes they were or insists they are, unless the same number also occurs in a major number position.

Declaring the number of a cyclic to be a master number when there is no supporting master number in one of the major number positions is a double mistake:

One, trying to live up to a master number that doesn't exist must result in failure.

Two, assuming the cycle to be a master number instead of the reduced number removes the real cycle number from consideration when life decisions or plans are made.

To answer your questions:

Does this mean that my first pinnacle (0-35) is a master number pinnacle 33? No. Reduce it to the number 6.

Do I attain and develop all of the qualities of the number 33? No. Even if the number 33 was one of your major numbers, the answer would still be "no." A cycle with a master number doesn't bring master number qualities, although it may enhance the qualities already present in the major number where the master number is established.

Responding to my own allusion that some numerologists differ in opinion about what a master number is, 11 and 22 are generally agreed to be master numbers. Some numerologists insist 33 is also a master number. Other numerologists declare both 33 and 44 are master numbers.

Numbers are what they are, life is what it is, and opinions have never caused a fact to change itself.

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