Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Adopted With Name Change
I'm adopted, and was given a name at birth [Name Removed] but was adopted within 4 months and was given a new name (my parents didn't know I had previously been named) of [Name Removed], which I've gone through all my life, even though I've hated it. It was only when I was a teen and found my adoption papers with my birth name scratched out that I realized I had been given another name. How does this play into my numerology?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The energy represented by the birth name will always be present.
A name change can have a profound effect on a person — or hardly any effect at all. Much depends on how compatible the energies of the birth name and the new name are. And also how much a person identifies themself as the new name.
The energy represented by the new name commingles with the energy of the birth name. The more the person sees themself as the new name, the more influence the new name energy has, with a correspondingly less influence of birth name energy.
Although its influence may wane, and may even become pseudo dormant, the birth name energy never goes away.
Because you have been using your current name such a long time, personal numerology readings are likely to be more accurate when calculated with your current name. Also get a reading for your birth name and see what aspects of that may still be true. In addition, comparing your birth name reading with your current name reading should show or suggest where compatibilities and incompatibilities are, which may clear up related questions or confusion you have experienced.
(Compatibility, in this case, is an observation of what is similar to or easily coexists with something else. An energy resonating with building a secure future is compatible with an energy resonating with nurture and family. Conversely, an energy resonating with building a secure future is incompatible with an energy dedicated to expressing its individual sense of freedom.)
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