Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Life Path, 11, 29, and Year 2018
I know my Life Path number is a 11. But I only recently stumbled upon the 29/11 38/11. If I am correct, I think I am a 29/11, which would make sense after I watched a YouTube video on the struggles of a 29/11 and I'm clearly on the bad vibrations of the 2 and 9. So my question is to confirm of that is correct. And could you kindly give a brief explanation of the different types and what it means. Then lastly, 2018 is a 11 year. What does that mean, and does it influence life path 11s differently? Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
With the number 7 for both your heart's desire and your destiny number, it's expected that you'll have attention on knowing yourself as much as is possible.
To get the 29 result from your birth date calculation, all the digits of the birth date are made into one big number and then reduced.
With Pythagorean numerology, the calculation for the numerology life path is a bit different.
First, the month, day, and year are individually reduced to either a single digit or master number. Then, those three numbers are added together. For your birthdate, with the month, day, and year previously reduced, the 1+5+5=11 calculation gives you a life path master number 11.
Note that there is no number 29 anywhere within the calculation of your life path number.
Regarding the universal year number for year 2018, yes, because the year number 11 resonates with your life path number 11, you're likely to feel more in tune with the year. That would go for any core numbers of a numerology chart. Should a core number resonate with the universal year number, the person is likely to feel more in tune with the year than with universal year numbers that have no personal core number resonance.
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