Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Name Value Affected By Life Path or Radical Numbers
I want to know if the numerology value of a name is mostly affected by radical number or life path number.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The numerology value of a name (the destiny number) is unaffected by the radical number or the life path number.
The radical and life path number are both calculated from the person's birth date. There is no overlap or merging into the destiny number, which is calculated from the person's name.
(The only numerology chart position where the destiny number and the life path number merge is for the power number. Even then, they don't affect each other, they just blend into an additional energy.)
The energy represented by every number has an effect on the person to a greater or lesser degree.
But the numbers don't affect each other. They each represent certain energies. And they continue to represent those very same energies regardless what other numbers the numerology chart has.
As stated, the person is affected by the numbers in their chart. Your destiny number 4 resonates at a different frequency than your life path number 5. See the Name and Birth Date Compatibility article for information about how that may affect your life outlook and life choices. The Bridge Between Name and Birthdate Numbers article also has good information related to that.
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