Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Born Almost At Midnight

I was born at 11:35 pm CST. That would be 6 life path. However, I seem to have several characteristics of the 7. Not sure what to use as my LP. It also makes a difference on my 9 year cycles. My destiny and soul urge are 6's so I would have 3 core #s the same. What do you suggest I use as my LP number? Thank you!

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Use the date of birth for the time zone you were born within, which calculates the life path as the number 6.

Because you were born so close to the next day, there may be some next-day energies seeping in. But that's specualation because I haven't done any research on that.

Numerology isn't always seen as accurate (as in your case). Generally, it's because the calculated result seems to be different than the actuality.

It can be perceived as inaccurate because interpretations are missing something, because other aspects of the numerology chart are influencing the number in question, or because it's the actuality. (People do have free will. When they determine they're one way and numerology says something different, the person and their free will must prevail.)

Let's look at your chart a bit more broadly than most free readings will provide and see if we can find the number 7 influence that you are noticing without resorting to calculations with a different date of birth.

Your earliest challenge number was the number 7. And both your second and third pinnacle cycles were the number 7. It's possible that the essence of the number 7 is carried along to the present. But perhaps not strong enough to notice it like you are.

Calculate your life path number with the birth date for the relevant time zone. (For others reading this, there is a life path number calculator.

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