Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Name a Match Per Numerology
I think my name is not a match as per numerology. Please check.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The question seems to contain an incorrect premise. Names have no non-match in relation to numerology. Let me explain.
Numerology can reveal things about a name. Revelations are interpretations of the energy represented by the name letters and the numerology-calculated numbers.
A numerology reading matches the name. Always — unless the numerology calculations or reading are done incorrectly.
As you can see, the numerology reading depends on the name because the reading is of the name. Without the name, the reading wouldn't exist.
Therefore, it's the name that determines the numerology. It is not numerology that determines the name.
Some people use numerology to determine what name they want. They're looking for specific energies, certain tendencies and likelihoods. When they find a name with numerology readings that are acceptable to them, then they know what name is available for choosing.
But it is still the name that the numerology is based on, the name where the reading comes from. Getting numerology readings for various names in order to choose one doesn't change the fact that readings come from names.
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