Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Making More Money With Numerology

Hi! I wonder if it is possible to attract more money with numerology. I have a serious lack of the number 8 in my numerology and it has always been difficult for me to make money. I'm very economic, but money has never come easily to me. Can that be changed or is it set in stone that I could never become rich? I would be very thankful for your help. (My current name is [name removed]).

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

You can become rich. But it will be through your own actions, not caused by numerology.

While the energy represented by the number 8 is the most material- and business-oriented in numerology, it's not the only one. Because of its orientation, it's often associated with money. But it's not really a money number.

The number 4 is also associated with money in that it's primary focus is to build a secure foundation for the future. And that generally includes finances sufficient to accomplish and maintain that foundation.

All single-digit numbers can be associated with money by the influence of the energies they represent; some more so than others, but associations exist for each number. Money is a measure of material energy used for exchange.

Numerology reveals influences — tendencies and likelihoods. It does not compel. Free will always takes precedence when there's a conflict between it and the energies represented by the numbers in a person's numerology profile.

Material accumulation, including money, results from action — what you do and don't do.

Your name has a preponderance of letters with the value 1. Both your cornerstone and open heart letters also have the value 1. The number 1 energy, among other things, is self-sufficient and self-determined.

Your life path number is the master number 33, the most influential of all numbers. Master Numbers and Potential has pertinent information.

You have support from your numerology profile. Perhaps all it will take for more financial income is to make a goal, determine the steps required to get there, and then doing it.

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