Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Digit 9 Occurring Often Among Family Members

My mother's birthday is [date removed]. Her name is [name removed]. My son's birthday is [date removed]. His name is [name removed]. I want to know if its just a coincidence or if there is any significance or meaning behind this.... My son turned [9] years old in [date removed]. My mother will be 4[9] years old in a few days & in [date removed] I will be 2[9] years old... Also it will be 201[9].
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Traditional Pythagorean numerology has no calculations to determine significance or coincidence of the same digit occurring in various family member birth dates or ages.
The birth dates and ages are used in calculations for personal numerology charts. But the number of times the same digit occurs among various family members isn't consulted. (The number of times a digit occurs in the chart of any one specific individual may be considered, but not how often the digit occurs among several people.)
What you're noticing is most likely just a coincidence.
When a person looks for or notices the same digit among the dates and ages of a group of people, frequent occurrence will almost always be present. After all, there are only ten digits to spread around. One of the digits is highly likely to occur more often than the other digits — unless all the digits are evenly distributed, which would be remarkable.
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