Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Thai-Spelled Name and Thai-Calendar Birth Date
The name is originally in Thai script and Thai calendar year which is different from western calendar year. My Question: is the name as given above with western alphabet and calendar year applicable for Pythagorean numerology? If Not: how to apply a numerological analysis?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The Numerology and Non-English Alphabets article describes a procedure to obtain your birth name number.
Your birth date is the date of the most prominent calendar in use within the society where you were born. Use those calendar month, day, and year numbers for a Pythagorean calculation. Translating to the Gregorian calendar is likely to change the numbers and render an inaccurate reading.
If you now have an English-spelled name, that name can be used for numerology readings unless the reading requires your birth name. If it requires your birth name, first determine the letter values of your name according to the non-English alphabets article. Then, determine how the calculations are done (instructions generally available at and do a manual calculation with those letter values.
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