Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Swedish Birth Date

Hello, I have always wondered about my birthdate. In Sweden we are all born with 4 extra digits. This number is then with us all our lives and is unique for every person. My birthdate with these 4 extra digits - makes me an 11. (Like my name.) Today I am a 2. I am wondering what role this plays in my life and then of course I wonder, if my full birth name 11 and my birthdate +4 digits - makes me a 22? Best Regards.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Use the Gregorian calendar date of birth for numerology calculations. (Unless Sweden uses a different calendar as the primary calendar, in which case you would use the Swedish calendar.)

The calendar month, day, and year of birth are used for numerology calculations of the life path and most of the cycles occurring in a numerology chart.

I don't know what the extra digits are. Perhaps, as you alluded to, they are part of a personal identification number. In that case, they might be used in calculations similar to what can be done with the Social Security Number provided to USA citizens.

But they are not used in numerology calculations that require the birth date to obtain correct results.

The name number (destiny) and the birth date number (life path) are added together to obtain the power number. The power number gains force about mid-life.

Your power number is the number 4 and started to become an influence in your life about five years ago.

The Master Number Search article explains how master numbers are determined and under what conditions they are reduced to a single digit.

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