Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Determining a Destiny in Life
I just need to know what is my destiny in life? I read about my life path number. I'm confused because almost exactly happen to me since I was a child. Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Calculating the birth date and name you provided, your life path number is the master number 11 and your destiny number is the number 7.
Both of those numbers have spiritual aspects. The master number 11 is the most intuitive number of all and the number 7 is the most introspective number of all.
You ask what your destiny in life is. According to numerology and the destiny number, it's likely one of introspection, analysis, and providing education.
But, really, your destiny is what you make it to be. Numerology interpretations aren't inflexible, nor are they always 100% accurate. Free will is above numerology.
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