Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Just Gotten Into Numerology

Image for 'Just Gotten Into Numerology' numerology answer

I've just gotten into numerology and my full numerology 6 number chart is 11/2 life path#..3 natal#..4 name#..5 personality#..6 soul urge#..7 does 11/234567 mean anything. I'm not sure where else to look for this specific sequence.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I realize the joy of discovery when numerology is first encountered. Even now, 30+ years after that point in my life, I still derive much pleasure from it and thoroughly enjoy its study.

It appears you are studying a numerology practice other than my own. Traditional Pythagorean numerology, for example, has no natal number — unless another name for a traditional chart position is being used.

According to Pythagorean numerology, your life path is a 20/2, not 11/2 (7+7+6=20). Also, the name and personality numbers you quoted are both different than when calculated with the name you provided with your question.

If you'll dig deeper within the study of the numerology you are focused on, it may come up with your answer. Or, perhaps, it has no special meaning for sequences of numbers, just for the numbers themselves.

That is pretty much the case for Pythagorean numerology. Each number is calculated separately. No calculation is done on any number sequence in which they might occur or be arranged — except for numbers containing multiple digits.

In that case, the entire sequence of digits can be reduced to a single digit to determine the basic energy the number represents. Then, the energy represented by the first digit of the multi-digit number is added to the concept of the original energy, but less than half the force. The same with the rest of the digits of the multi-digit number, always with less than half the energy force of the previous digit.

How to Determine the Numerology Meaning of Multi-Digit Numbers talks about how to do that.

See what the any-number calculator says about your number 234567. Then try additional multi-digit numbers to become familiar with how the energy is determined.

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