Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Correct Life Path Calculation

I have found different ways to determine my life path number and I need some clarity. My date of birth initially gave me a life path number 6. I still arrive at 6 regardless, however the first calculation I used was ([birth date removed; calculation was individual digits of entire date]=33). I recently watched a video that said it should be calculated differently which still arrives at the number 6, however it completely changes things. 9 is separate then [birth day removed] which equals 5 then [birth year removed] which equals 19 then 1+9=10 and 1+0=1 so 9+5+1=15 which equals 1+5=6. I am sure you can see why I am inquiring because 33=6 is much different than 15=6.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Yes, for traditional Pythagorean numerology, the birth date units are calculated separately (year, month, and day) — each reduced to either a master number or a single digit.
Then, to find the life path number, those three units are added together and reduced to either a master number or a single digit. The number 6 is your life path number.
The life path calculator does it right.
For viewing only the numbers, the Calculator for Professional Numerologists is a good tool. You can use that to see how the life path calculation is done.
Try your own birth date.
Then also June 11, 1940 and January 23, 1940 for viewing master number life path calculations. With the first, the day of birth is not reduced because it is already a master number.
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