Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects
Master Numbers 11 and 22 as Life Path and Birth Day

Hi, I was born on [birth date removed] - my path is 22/4 but I'm also born on 11th. Does it mean I have two master numbers? 11 and 22? And what would this combination mean?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Any core number can have a master number. There are five numerology chart positions that represent core numbers. Two of yours have a master number, the life path and the birth day chart positions.
Each chart position represents certain energy depending on the number calculated for it.
The master number 11 as your birth day number represents energy related to that chart position. The master number 22 as your life path number represents energy related to the life path chart position. There is no complete combination meaning without also taking other energies into consideration.
All chart positions have an effect on other chart positions, sometimes negligible and sometimes quite a bit, whether or not they are master numbers.
The effect depends on the compatibility or incompatibility of the two energies along with the compatibleness of those energies with the energies represented by other chart positions.
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