Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Why Didn't the Prediction Come True?

Image for 'Why Didn't the Prediction Come True?' numerology answer

I was a strong believer in numerology until last year. That's when I noticed nothing predicted happened in my life. Especially my love life. Technically I was supposed to find love years ago and be happy married with one child now. But that is not the case. Instead I am super single and in love with the only man, [name and birth date removed], thats ever said he loves me, but won't commit to me. Why did nothing come true?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The thing about numerology is that no belief is required. It is what it is whether or not it's believed in.

Numerology calculations result in numbers. The numbers represent certain energy.

To use numerology, the energy is interpreted. Interpretation is done by people, not numerology itself. Perhaps the person who did the interpretation for you and made the prediction you have been relying on can help you determine why it didn't come true.

There is a certain danger to predictions that's described in the Wait! Don't Tell Me My Future! article.

The energies represented by numerology numbers bring certain tendencies and likelihoods into a person's life — not predetermination or predestination. When free will is practiced that is different than the numerology tendencies, free will prevails.

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