Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Same Name Numbers as Nostradamus

I feel like an antenna at times for all sorts of inspiration, thoughts, and emotion. Sometimes it is even overwhelming. Michel de Nostredame, Born December 14, 1503 (Nostradamus) has an identical chart to mine. This frightens me and I am wondering why I even thought to see what his numerology chart was out of the blue. I have had dreams and visions come true in the past and I have been able to communicate with my mind briefly on LSD and other psychedelics. Recently I had visions about a comet, a comet that will bring destruction yet necessary. "Something about a wheel turning. what is beyond beyond? Hail the goer". I just heard that out of thin air. Whats your opinion on my sanity? Thank you...

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The name you provided with your question and the historical name Nostradamus was born as do indeed have the three major name numbers in common. But there are no other identical numbers at other important numerology chart positions.

The life path is different, for example. As are all the cycles, from yearly to 9+ multi-year cycles. The planes are different. As are other calculations.

Even if you were born with the same name spellings and with the same birth date calculations, you would still be different. The reason is the existence of self will, a real force.

The way numerology name numbers are calculated, if two of the three are the same number then the third number must be a 9. Therefore, the number 9 as the heart's desire number and the master number 11 as the number for the other two major name numbers is not that unusual.

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