Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Birthday Number with Three Number 8's

1.My birthday number has three number eights in it. Does that mean any thing? 2.Do I have physic abilities?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The birth date affects how the numerology life period cycles are calculated. There are three cycles, the first calculated from the day of birth, the second from the month, and the third from the year.

Your first two life period cycles are the number 8. You'll experience no change in the energy vibrations of those two cycles when the time comes to shift from the first to the second.

Your third life period cycle is the number 5. That's because your year of birth is reduced to a single digit before being assigned to the cycle.

(The fact that your birth date has the digit 8 within the year number isn't considered significant for life period cycle interpretations.)

Traditional Pythagorean numerology doesn't have calculations to determine how much psychic abilities a person has. But there are other numerology practices that may be consulted — Chaldean and Vedic are two. (Vedic numerology has a chart position referred to as the psychic number but, to my knowledge, it doesn't reveal psychic abilities the way I think you're asking your question.)

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